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Bottle Rocket Project:

In this project we searched, built, and tested a bottle rocket. We each had one partner. Both of us built a rocket. Depending on which rocket worked the best, thats the one we shot off at the exhibition. My rocket was shot off and it exploded. So, we obviously went with my partners rocket. 

YOLO Project:

Avalanche Awareness:

In this project we were supposed to make people aware of avalanches. We showed them the parts that make up an avalanche and how to tell if that territory is avalanche terrain. For this project we were asked 3 questions,  

1. In what ways was Snow Science relevant to your life?

Snow science is important to me because we live in Colorado. Since we live in Colorado it is important to know the trigger points of an avalanche, knowing what the elements of an avalanche l 
2.  What do you now understand about the role snow and water play in the American West (be specific)?
3.  What skill did you develop through engaging this material?

Design it Clean Project:

In this project we designed a water filter for the country we chose. My group and I chose Australia. Based on that we read about the water qualities in Australia and then researched ways to remove what ever was in the water.


Get product desciption and area description here:

Wave Project:


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