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Socialization Mask

Tragedy Project Reflection

In our project I am most proud that we had the ideas of photoshopping our pictures (Even though we didn’t leave enough time to finish all of them). It showed creativity and that is what I am most proud of. To be creative we created a “plot twist” and we thought of doing things that people haven't before. This was time consuming though. Creativity also helps you with your grade making your project exciting and original.


Next years students I would say use your time wisely don't waste one second and to produce the most beautiful work they can. Every second leads to a better grade. Waiting just for anything can push back your work or affect the grade you will get. We waited to edit the photos until after we got them all and we ended up not being able to edit them all because we wasted time waiting for other people. This is the last project of the semester so work it to your best abilities. In our project I would have redone the pictures in a different way if I knew that we weren't going to have enough time.


Working in partners I think works relatively well in the creativity category. In some aspects its good to have a partner but in others it may be better to work alone. Choosing a topic can we somewhat challenging. Once you and your partner have come to agreements on everything it seems to get easier. We spent a lot of time on making the characters and writing the script because we couldn't fully agree on what to do.

The most challenging thing that I did was having the hard deadline. That personally made things really hard. We took our photoshopping to the max so when we didn't have enough time for that it set back everything else and we needed a back up plan. We decided just to photoshop the ones that needed it the most. All the others, we just left as is.

I’m proud of the quality and thought behind my mask. I think I excelled here because I went over the top and did my hardest to make this mask the best that I can to my ability. I incorporated everything that was important to me in my mask. I used a box to show how I feel about society too. In my second paragraph I said. “Since I was little I always had to go back and change my clothes because my mom would say “These clothes aren’t appropriate enough for where we were going, they were only clothes you wear at home.” Now its almost a habit to pick something out and go back to my room and change those clothes.” I’m proud of this because I gave a life example and showed how I was compared to my family. I also included how it influenced me today.I think I will remember how much this project influenced me. It showed me that society does has a huge influence on us. And just like society this project really influenced me to be more honest, caring, and accepting of the people around me. The HoHAM I think I need to work on is “Evidence”. I say this because I usually have a lot to say but not enough evidence to back it up. I need more evidence or I need to work on being able to fit that evidence into my paper. Otherwise my writing is good.

Mask Project Reflection

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(One young boy and the baby sit in their messy, unwelcoming family room, awaiting for their mother to reveal her news, while sirens are wailing off in the distance)


Maria Castillo: (With tears in her eyes and a worried voice) Son… your father, he’s not coming back for a while, but we will be ok. Don’t you worry about a thing.


Leonardo Castillo: (Being only 7 years old) But Mommy where’d he go?


Maria Castillo: (Starting to tear up and choking on her words, she holds baby Scottie) It will be clear when you’re older Leo, I promise.




(As t.v. reporters)


Hello, I’m Diane Sawyer

Here to tell you the evening news

Marijuana, Cocaine, and Heroin

The most common drugs here in California

Over 500 inmates are imprisoned

For drug possession

Anyone possessing these drugs

Find yourself a close rehab

The police and government are not happy.


Scene 1:


(As Scottie prepares to talk to his mother, the only thing going through his mind is smoking, the only thing that keeps him sane when he’s nervous. In the moment he starts the remember the first time he he started drugs.)


Sammy (Scotties friend): Come on dude, just take a hit.


Charlie (Scotties friend): You'll feel better man trust me! You won’t regret it.


Eddie (Scotties friend): Yeah Scott what do you have to lose?


Scottie Castillo: Ok, fine, just this once but don’t tell anyone…


(Scottie still gazing into the room that he once shared with his brother who is now in college. He finally gets back to reality and walks into the kitchen where his mom is making lunch for his little sister.)


Scottie Castillo: (With a curious look in his eyes) Hey mom? Can I ask you a question?


Maria Castillo: Of course sweetie?


Scottie Castillo: Mom we talked about this I’m not “sweetie”, but anyway, can we talk without Mia in the room?


Maria Castillo: (Looking partially puzzled and talking to Mia) Honey, can you go into the other room for me please?


Mia Castillo: But MOOOM!


Scottie Castillo: (Getting frustrated) Mia. Go.


(Mia leaves the room)


Scottie Castillo: Sooo mom, About dad…


Maria Castillo: (Quietly) You want to know where he is?...


Scottie Castillo: (Confidently) You always told me you’d tell me where he was when I was ready and I am now.


Maria Castillo: (Looking nervous and being very hesitant)  Well, Scottie. Your father… He’s… in prison. For… drug possession. And I don’t know when he’ll be back.


Scottie Castillo: Why didnt you tell me sooner?


Maria Castillo: I was just trying to protect you.


Scottie Castillo: Well you did a really good job of keeping this a secret!


(Scottie angrily leaves the house, slamming the door, walking down his run down neighborhood, heading to school.)




(As t.v. reporters)


Good Evening California

I’m Pablo Motos here to,

Talk about the new hot topic

Drug addiction

As you may know

I am a recovered drug addict

Starting from marijuana it lead

To many more drugs

Which lead to my overdose

Luckily I came out of it and recovered

Moral of the story ditch the drugs

While you can control them,

‘Cause they will control you

Until next time California, Pablo’s out


Scene 2:


(Scottie finally made it to school, as he’s walking down the hallways heading to his first class over the intercom an announcement comes on.)




(Speaker fades, Scottie starts walking to the gym for the assembly, he sits with his group of friends)


Eddie: (With a frustrated tone) *Groan* What are we going in here?!


Charlie: (Has headphones in blaring his music, takes out on earphone.) What’s going on? Why are we in the gym???


Sammy: Lets just ditch gu…


(Lights get slightly dimmer and the principal walks out onto the stage)


Principal: (Talking into a microphone, with a controlling voice.) I bet you’re all wondering why we called you in here. Well, at the last minute we had the county jail call us and ask if we wanted to have one of the former drug possessors (Scottie scoffs) to come and talk to you guys about what the consequences of possessing drugs and how they have changed this mans life. We will answer everyones questions in the end. Now.. (Looks backstage and words “His name?” then turns back.) heres Juan Castillo.



(Scotties jaw is opened and he has a look of surprise, confusion, worry, and relief all at the same time.)



Eddie, Charlie, and Sammy: (In unison) Is that your dad?!



(Scottie is still in awe)



Scottie Castillo: (Stuttering) I… Uhhh… I’m... a… I think so.



Juan Castillo: Well when I was 25  I became addicted to Marijuana it started as just a little habit. After a while it became a daily thing. By age 29 I then found myself falling into depression. I thought I could subside that pain by doing heroin or sniffing cocaine. Because I made the choices I did I ended up having to leave my 2 sons and my wife. I dont know where they are now... I never even got to say goodbye to them…



(Scottie with tears in his eyes runs out of the school building.)



(He runs to his house, out of breathe digging through the messy drawer. Scottie grabs xanax and dumps the pills on the counter, opens another cabinet, grabs a cup and fills it with water.)



(He catches his breath… grabs a notebook and pen from his backpack and starts writing a letter addressed to his mother, brother, and sister.)



Scottie Castillo: (Catching his breath and talking under his breath) Mom, this is it. I'm sorry but I've found out so much just today..I met Juan, that's his name isn't it?? Not knowing anything has been driving me crazy and I just... I just  can't do it anymore tell Mia I love her. Your son, Scottie.



(Picks up pills and glass of water... Takes the pills one by one… Scene fades, and then a drop to the floor. Door opens, *female scream, and police sirens...)





(As t.v. reporters)


Hello, I'm Elena Colennello

And I'm here in Southern California

I am at the scene of a young sir

Scottie Castillo.

This young child has just

Lost his life to prescription drugs

Mr. Castillo was found by his mother

She stated that there was no signs

Of Scottie being depressed

He was always a happy, wishful kid

Finding about his father seems to be

The reasoning behind this loss

That's all see you next time I'm

Elena Colennello from Channel 9 News.


Prompt 1: What would you tell another student if they asked why the MUN project was important? This project is important because it shows you that there is not only two sides to every issue but there is also a resolution to every issue. This project teaches you important skills in knowing how to have developed writing, critical thinking skills, and helps you understand the government in new ways. Without this project your writing and learning skills would not improve. This project is worth these 10 agonizing weeks, because I learned more about real world issues, the government, writing, critical thinking, and the importance of evidence.


Prompt 2: Think of this project overall- which habit of mind were you most proud of using during the conference? During the conference the HoHaM I would be most proud of is Evidence. I say evidence because for every point I brought up I also mentioned where there is proof that my statement was true. I feel as if I did this exceedingly well in my speech during the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. I think I supported every statement with good evidence. Evidence gathering was not my strongpoint in this project but once I found that evidence, strategically placing it in my writing was my strongpoint.    


Prompt 3: What was the greatest challenge you faced in the project and how did you work through it? The greatest challenge in the project would be evidence gathering for both parts of this project. I struggled finding my countries perspective on both issues. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough. I met the requirements for getting a good grade but I didn't go above and beyond and look hard and deep in my countries perspective and the overall issue. I didn't really work through this issue. I just didn't look as hard into the issue as I should have. To fix this, I would find more background on the issue than required and I will go over and beyond to get more information about my country than required.

Prompt 4: What was the most interesting speech, resolution, amendment, or comment by one of the delegates? The most interesting statement I think would have to be by Maya Zarlingo and myself. During the conference we both looked into the fact that the 1949 Partition borders would be the best answer. The way we put it is Israel had once before said agreed to the 1947 border lines. So, knowing that the 1949 border has a less amount of land, Israel should agree to getting more land than they had once before. I say this is interesting because the other speeches, resolutions, amendments, and comments were very, very strong but also in some ways repetitive. We said this because we wanted to remind everyone of what was once before and what it is now.

Model UN Project


In this project what we did was model . ourselves as countries in the UN (United Nations). Everyone was assigned a different country. The country I was given was Syria. For the first half of this project we focused on the North Korea, Nuclear Weapons Issue. We researched our countries perspective on this issue, then wrote a policy paper in MLA format in our country's perspective. After the policy paper we all wrote a resolution, once again basing it off out country's perspective. The second part of this project we researched the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. We researched our countries perspective on this issue, then wrote a policy paper in MLA format in our country's perspective. After the policy paper we all wrote a resolution, once again basing it off out country's perspective. The papers I wrote are posted in PDF forms above.

About this project:

During our seminar one thing that stood out to me was when we were on the topic of what ways has Brave New World made us think about the concept of happiness. What really made me really think deeper into this question was when


(Not remembering who) talked about their view on this topic. Their view was where we hold onto material possessions even though they only make us happy for a while. Answering this question I said happiness is a gift. But its also a curse. We can be happy but it doesn't always last forever and after a while you need that


sadness to learn. Going back to what others were saying I didn't connect material possessions to my answer. Having that connection of materials in my answer would have helped me understand the concept of happiness even more. That material possessions are a weakness and a curse. They are good for a while and then they're bad.


In this seminar I feel that I did very well with connecting the questions back into the book and into the real world. I think I showed improvement in the category of connecting and relating stuff together as well. In previous seminars I just talked and didn’t have any connections or evidence. In this seminar I tried my hardest to relate stuff together giving examples and real world issues that our topic was covering at that time. In my last seminar I was quiet and wasn't really sure what to say but in this seminar I tried to put myself out there and get my opinions heard.


My key take-aways from both the book and the seminar would be that no matter what you do the society will always be unbalanced and different. Just hearing everyones opinions in the room shows that everyone has a completely different mind set. What I also learned is a big deal is happiness. Without happiness life would be utterly depressing but without happiness the world would be utterly crazy. You would never have an opinion, a life, love, any important emotions it there was also happiness. With emotions there has to be sadness whether we want it or not and at the end of the day that depression or sadness is just there to help us learn, be different, and be ourselves.









Brave New World Seminar Reflection:

In my art project I used the poem “The Giving Tree”. The reason I incorporated this poem into my art piece is because the tree gives the boy everything, he's not satisfied. Then one day when the boy sits with the day and tree has nothing left to give the boy. The boy was content, he only wanted the comfort of the tree. In this project we learned that happiness comes from pain but happiness also comes from contentment. This poem but incorporates meaningful happiness and that happiness doesn't come easy. I also chose this poem because everyone knows it they grew up with it so they understand the backstory behind this art piece. I chose to incorporate meaning because meaning is a concept that most people don't understand, so I wanted to share my knowledge of meaningful happiness to the others around me.

Happiness Project:

Art Piece:

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